Board of Governors (Shura)
The Islamic Educational Centre is an independent school registered by Umalusi in terms of the South African School’s Act, 84 of 1996. It is an accredited provider of teaching and learning and is registered as a section 21 company, not-for-profit in terms of the Companies Act, 1973 as amended. The Board of Governors (Shura) is the controlling body of the school. Members serve on the Board as founding members, parents and as esteemed members of the community. It controls all aspects of the school, from the appointment of teachers to decisions on which extra-curricular activities are offered. Each member of the Board is elected to serve on specific portfolio committees. These are the Finance Committee, Planning Committee, Human Resource Committee and the Sports Committee.
The main driving force of the Board is the Executive Committee made up of those members who hold the position of Directors in the trust by virtue of the Companies Act, 2008 and they deal with specific agenda items.
There are 23 members who are drawn from the business sector, medical professions, skilled artisans, contractors and the working community. They are:
Ameer (Chairperson): Dawood A. Vawda
Deputy Ameer (Deputy Chairperson: Dr Mohamed I. Mulla
Unus M. Moola
Ahmed D. Seedat
Mohamed S. Randeree
Dr. Mohamed S. Sader
Mohamed R. Dursot
Haroon Moola
Abed B. Karrim
Dr. Mohamed D. Vawda
Osman M. Mathir
Ahmed Asvat
Ahmed E. Seedat
Goolam Hoosen Hansa
Shabir Jhetam
Thawfeek Rassool
Aslam Sheik
Dawood Bhaijee
Dr. Mohamed A. Sardiwalla
Abdulla Said
Mehmood Vawda
Mohammed I. Omar
Ridwaan Docrat
If you would like to contact any of the Shura members, please send an email to: